How to Stop Caring and Start Finding Real Success! – Kolby Kay

Kolby Kay is a renaissance man who wears many hats. He is a dynamic
public speaker, a devoted Dad, a business strategist, the owner of
several companies, and the mastermind behind the supplement movement,
"The Healthy Primate". He is a walking testament to the power of the
"hustle", and I am excited for you to get to know him over the course
of the podcast!
In this podcast, Kolby shares powerful insight on how his past
experiences and the adversity he has overcome has given him a rare
drive and sense of ambition that is matched by few in the
entrepreneurial space today.
While there were a lot of gems this awesome entrepreneur dropped, here
are the three most important ways Kolby believes you can revolutionize
your life :
1 . You are not defined by the names that they call you
We have all struggled with the labels that were placed upon us by the
adults in our lives during our formative years. Even well-intentioned
authority figures gave us the monikers of "too fat", "too skinny",
"too smart", "not bright enough", or any other myriad of names that
stuck to us like glue and began to shape our views of ourselves. For
many of us, the final nail in the coffin, was the fact that we felt
like our school experience stifled our creativity and individuality.
We were told that we were no longer allowed to be "square pegs" and we
had to fit into the "round holes". We were convinced that we were not
"out of the box thinkers", we were "troublemakers". We were not
bursting with potential, we had "attention problems".
I am telling you right now that you are
enough . You have passions, talents, skills and unique experiences
that make you a valuable addition to any team or organization. Embrace
what makes you great and let go of anybody's opinion to the contrary.
2 . Build your tribe with genuine and heartfelt interaction
There is a certain type of pitch that seems really popular on social
media right now. It is boilerplate, it tells me nothing about the
creator of the product and it looks like a mad-libs game for
entrepreneurs. They go something like: "Now, the new course from the
world's most dynamic speaker (insert name of random businessperson
you've never heard of)! You will learn to (something plagiarized
poorly from a "Dailyvee" episode). You can get this invaluable
information for the LOW price of 11 kajillion dollars!"
People don't buy your product, they buy into you. They buy into your
story. People don't purchase Apple products because they are
technologically superior to their competitors. Consumers flock to
purchase the new iPhone, because they have bought into the ethos that
the company has cultivated. Steal the tactics from the masters and do
the same for your end users. Show them your ups and your downs.
Document your passion.
Engage in authentic conversation with a community that you have helped
to build. Bring them into your love affair with the product or service
that you honestly believe will better their lives. By doing so, you
won't just have customers, you will have dedicated fans for life.
3 . Be genuine and authentic with those that you love
It is incredibly easy to get lost in the pursuit of success and lose
sight of the wonderful gifts that you already have in your life. We,
as people who chase bigger and better things, have been known to
sacrifice a lot at the altar of our greater goals. Look, I am not here
to tell you that money and material things are not great. As a person
that has been without creature comforts, and now has a few zeros in my
bank account, I can tell you unequivocally that having money is much
better than being without.
Nevertheless, while money helps us to live efficiently, it is the
relationships that we build and the love that we give to others that
allows us to live DEEPLY . Go to the dance recitals, cheer loudly for
your kid's soccer team, take your significant other out to a lavish
"date night" and know that it is these investments that will help your
life have real meaning. When we lay on our deathbed, someday in the
hopefully distant future, we will want to reminisce not on what we
took for ourselves but rather the great good that we gave to others.


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